I'm a single frond in Mother natures Web of life. I feel like a beautiful part of an amazing masterpiece that we are all co creating. Our greatest collaborator, creation itself, encourages me to add as much creativity and connection to all art and beauty as I can as I lift up the creation of all others. I began my career in theater after developing many performance skill as an awkward racial minority in my elementary and some great training during high school.
I received a BA in Anthropology and Native American studies and later an MA in Education for 'Teaching the Native American Learner' both from The Evergreen State College. I also served formal apprenticeships with artists Ida Bagus Rai and Ida Bagus Sutarja in Bali, Indonesia and from Duane Pasco and Joe Ives Sr. in Kitsap County WA. I also performed another few formal apprenticeships with Kwakwaka'wakw culture keepers Henry Seaweed and George Melas Taylor in British Columbia and Ed Carriere of the Suquamish tribe.